Survival of mankind demands our active participation in protecting mother earth(GAIA),be it on a small or a LARGE Scale

Treaditional Knowledge Conservation

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Bio-Diversity Conservation

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Empowering Inovative Ideas

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Who We Are ?

We are a forum for a road towards a better humanity. This platform is devised to bring people together, who wish to contribute towards the solving current problems with both conventional and novel techniques. In addition to practical approach for creating awareness and results, we encourage discussions and generation of new ideas for giving a better future for our next generations.

It is a brainchild of Mr. Kamini Mohan Sharma and Mrs. Kamala Devi, who thrived for finding a way for generating inner peace, and perceived that individual and general well being must go hand in hand. This requires the understanding of basic stuff by the common people. Our rich heritage, be it natural resources, cultural traditions, or community practices provide logical answers to many present day problems. Of course, novel thinking is required for solving many problems, which do not find any relevance to the past. A combination of ancient and novel thoughts and techniques can guide us towards a better survival path for the humanity. We hope to widen the visionary thoughts of the founders, and expect that this local effort may go global and we can become successful in providing a legacy to our future generations.