Survival of mankind demands our active participation in protecting mother earth(GAIA),be it on a small or a LARGE Scale

Dr. Hiranmaya Sharma

Dr. Hiranmaya Sharma did his M.Sc. in Zoology with specialization in Cell and Molecular Biology from Gauhati University, Assam, India. At present he is serving as Assistant professor of Zoology in Dera Natung Government College, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, India for last 12 years.

He did his doctoral research on the topic A STUDY ON EFFECT OF TAMOXIFEN ON EXPRESSION OF ENDOMETRIAL PROTEIN AND TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR(I AND II) IN ALBINO RAT UTERUS under the supervision of Prof. Hirendra Nath Sarma, Ex-Head, Department of Zoology, Rajiv Gandhi Central University, in the year 2016.

In addition to his teaching, he is involved conservation and innovation technology. He is actively associated with spreading awareness among his students, colleagues, people from various fields and the common masses regarding conservation of biodiversity, ancient culture and traditions. His other fields of interest are development of innovative designs and technology.
In order to spread awareness among the people, he had authored many articles in books, journals and seminars. He had written chapters in various books entitled Impact of urbanization on the north eastern megabiodiversity hotspot of Arunachal Pradesh,Traditional Ecosystem Management Practices of Arunachal Pradesh, and Hunting and associated beliefs of indigenous Adi people of Arunachal Pradesh aid in sustainable resource managementIn order to spread awareness among the people, he had authored many articles in books, journals and seminars. He had written chapters in various books entitled Impact of urbanization on the north eastern megabiodiversity hotspot of Arunachal Pradesh, Traditional Ecosystem Management Practices of Arunachal Pradesh and Hunting and associated beliefs of indigenous Adi people of Arunachal Pradesh aid in sustainable resource management .
Some of the papers presented in various national level seminars and esteemed journals are Traditional beliefs of Galo tribe of Arunachal Pradesh aided conservation of nature and natural resources and Traditional Hunting & Trapping Practices Among The Nyishi Tribe Of Arunachal Pradesh And Its Impact On Biodiversity.

Dr. Hiranmaya Sharma
